What Assets Do I Already Own?
2021-01-05I feel like there's so much to say around the topic of building a portfolio of assets. Honestly, I don't know where to start.
Neither where to start talking about it, nor where to start developing my own thoughts. It's a kind of decision paralysis.
The easiest way out of it, is to start somewhere and keep going. So here it goes: I ended the year 2020 thinking about how to go about building my portfolio.
If I was starting from scratch, I would have thought about my personal "unfail advantages". What skills do I have which could be used to help others? What can I learn to help create value?
As I'm not starting from scratch, I had to take one more step back, and consider what I already had outside of my skills and connections. Real, external assets waiting to be discovered and appreciated.
My main site (vsupalov.com) is getting a lot of SEO traffic every single day. That's a huge advantage, as it's basically a distirbution channel for any technical educational product I will produce in the future.
I have a book on there which is selling copies every month. I have a list of people who want to read new articles and hear from me in the future.
And then there's a whole bunch of started private projects, existing teaching materials from tech talks and trainings and other writing out there.
Small Steps
I'll start this year by looking at my existing, working assets and seeing if I can make sure they do their job as good as they can.
The site can be made better at guiding visitors towards the list (for future distribution of products) and the book (for immediate revenue).
The whole funnel can be made more measurable, it isn't right now. I think just improving this existing set of assets will get me a lot closer to the goal of 2k MRR.